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2010年4月28日 星期三



BBC Symphony Orchestra 英國廣播公司交響樂團

The BBC Symphony Orchestra has played a central role at the heart of British musical life since its inception in 1930; and as the flagship orchestra of the BBC it provides the backbone of the BBC Proms with at least a dozen concerts each year including the First and Last Nights. 英國廣播公司交響樂團發揮了核心作用,在英國的音樂生活的核心自1930年成立以來,並作為旗艦樂團,英國廣播公司提供的骨幹英國廣播公司逍遙音樂會與演唱會至少有十幾種,包括每年第一和最後之夜。 The BBC SO has a strong commitment to 20th-century and contemporary music - recently it has given world premieres of BBC commissions by leading composers such as Matthias Pintscher, Brian Elias, Vic Hoyland, Judith Weir and Elliott Carter. 英國廣播公司的SO具有很強的承諾,20世紀及現代音樂-最近,它已委託英國廣播公司世界首演作曲家如領導馬蒂亞斯平切爾,布賴恩埃利亞斯,維克霍伊蘭,朱維爾和艾略特卡特。 The 2009-10 season includes commissions and premieres from Ian McQueen, Bill Frisell, Ryan Wigglesworth and Peter Eötvös. 2009-10賽季,包括佣金及首演由伊恩麥奎因,比爾弗萊舍爾,瑞安威格爾斯沃和彼得羅蘭。

The BBC Symphony Orchestra is Associate Orchestra of the Barbican, where it performs an annual season of concerts. 英國廣播公司交響樂團副樂團的巴比肯,它執行一個賽季的年度音樂會。 Highlights of the 2009-10 season include performances of all six symphonies by Martinů, conducted by Jiří Bĕlohlávek and following on from an acclaimed performance of Julietta last season, and the second year of Total Immersion : events dedicated to the music of George Crumb, Hans Werner Henze and Wolfgang Rhim. 突出表現在2009-10賽季,包括所有6個由馬丁努交響樂,進行了伊日別洛赫拉韋克和落實從著名的胡列塔上個賽季的表現,第二年總沉浸 :事件專門為音樂喬治克拉姆,漢斯沃納亨澤和沃爾夫岡林物產。

Jiří Bĕlohlávek took up the post of Chief Conductor in 2006 and he and the BBC SO perform together frequently across the season both in the UK and internationally, and the Orchestra also works regularly with Principal Guest Conductor David Robertson, newly appointed Artist in Association Oliver Knussen and Conductor Laureate, Sir Andrew Davis. 伊日別洛赫拉韋克出任該職位的首席指揮,2006年,他和英國廣播公司的SO經常一起執行整個賽季都在英國和國際上和樂團還經常和大衛羅伯遜首席客座指揮,在新任命的藝術家協會奧利弗納森兼指揮得主,安德魯戴維斯爵士。

All concerts are broadcast on BBC Radio 3, streamed online and available for 7 days on the BBC iPlayer, and a number are televised, giving the BBC Symphony Orchestra the highest broadcast profile of any UK orchestra. 所有的音樂會是在BBC廣播電台3,流線且可以7天的英國廣播公司iPlayer,以及一些電視,給英國廣播公司交響樂團的最高配置的任何英國廣播樂團。 Central to its life are studio recordings for BBC Radio 3 at the Orchestra's Maida Vale home, some of which are free for the public to attend. 中環至其生命是為BBC廣播電台的錄音工作室3日在樂團的梅達韋爾家,其中一些是免費供市民參加。 In addition the Orchestra records for several commercial labels. 此外,樂團記錄幾個商業標籤。 Performing throughout the world, the BBC SO has recently given concerts in Germany, the Czech Republic, Spain, France and Greece. 在世界各地表演,英國廣播公司的SO最近已音樂會在德國,捷克共和國,西班牙,法國和希臘。

The Orchestra is committed to innovative education work. 樂團致力於創新的教育工作。 Recent projects include a day of free music for communities across West London, as part of Proms Out+About, and last November the Orchestra cleared its schedule for a week-long celebration of the music and culture of Turkey involving Turkish musicians and people of all ages from across London. 近期的項目包括1天的免費音樂社區在倫敦西部的一部分逍遙音樂會外+公司,去年11月,樂團和清除它的時間表進行為期一周的慶祝活動和文化的音樂涉及的土耳其土耳其音樂家和人民的一切從年齡在倫敦。 Among ongoing projects are the Family Music Intro scheme, introducing families to live classical music, BBC SO Student Zone and the highly successful BBC SO Family Orchestra. Total Immersion composer events also provide rich material for education work with wide audiences, and extensive plans are underway in partnership with the Barbican, Westminster and Hammersmith & Fulham music services, the Royal College of Music and the Guildhall School of Music & Drama. 在正在進行的項目是家樂介紹計劃,引進家庭生活古典音樂,英國廣播公司的SO學生區和英國廣播公司,因此家人非常成功的樂團。 共有沉浸作曲家事件還提供豐富的物質對教育工作具有廣泛的觀眾,以及廣泛的計劃正在進行中在夥伴關係的巴比肯,威斯敏斯特和Hammersmith&富勒姆音樂服務,皇家音樂學院及戲劇學院音樂學院及戲劇。

bbc.co.uk/symphonyorchestra bbc.co.uk / symphonyorchestra