各單元音樂聯結youtube,查:JASONHAI WU

2009年5月25日 星期一

蘇珊 唱老貓 回憶

照專業標準 她應該被刷掉 我以為評審打了一個觀眾牌 不希望美聲

就此消失 特別放水呦  因為一開始 蘇珊就走音ㄌ。。。 

音樂系的聲樂教授們 委屈您們了。。。

2009年5月24日 星期日

平劇蘇三起舞 歌仔戲 殺豬狀元

第十單元 關聯欣賞之片段影片 ---平劇

第十單元 關聯欣賞之片段影片 ---殺豬狀元


2009年5月19日 星期二

世界級樂壇明星 沙朗.康(SHARON KAM)

تهانينا لكم
to SHARON KAM2009/05/21

翻譯文章如下(節錄自 沙朗.康網站)

Sharon Kam was titled  most imaginative and individual artist?by the ramophone?magazine. Her recordings prove her being equally at home with the classical repertoire as with contemporary music and Jazz.

Ramophone magazine 雜誌曾報導過莎朗康是一位超級有個人魅力的藝術家,她的錄音證實了他對於古典及爵士樂或當代作品一樣勝任出色。
Sharon Kam is a native of Israel, where she studied with Eli Eban and Chaim Taub. At the age of 16, she made her orchestra debut with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra under Zubin Mehta. She was encouraged by Isaac Stern and is a graduate of the Juilliard School Of Music, where she studied with Mr. Charles Neidich. Winner of the ARD International Competition 1992 in Munich, Sharon Kam has performed since with the most renowned orchestras in the USA, Europe and Japan.

出生於以色列,曾與Eli Eban and Chaim Taub老師學習豎笛,
受到Isaac Stern教授鼓勵到茱莉亞音樂學院攻讀碩士時,與知名演奏家Charles Neidich教授學習。1992年贏得德國國際ARD音樂比賽第一名,爾後隨即展開美國、歐洲、日本等國家知名管弦樂團一起演出。
In 2008/2009 season Sharon Kam is invited for concerts by MDR Symphony, the Dseldorf Symphony, Munich Symphony Orchestras and Kremerata Baltica, among others.

在2008-2009年期間,受邀與德國 MDR交響樂團 Dseldorfr交響樂團Kremerata Baltica 及其他更多樂團共同演出。

A frequent participant in summer festivals, Sharon Kam has appeared at the Ravinia, Verbier, Schleswig-Holstein, Vancouver, Ris鷨, Marlboro and Cork Festivals and is a regular guest at pianist Lars Vogt's Festival Spannungen in Heimbach, Germany.

在暑假音樂季莎朗康經常出現在 Ravinia, Verbier, Schleswig-Holstein, Vancouver, Ris鷨, Marlboro and Cork Festivals 等場合表演。 她同時也是德國漢巴哈鋼琴家Lars Vogt's Festival音樂季的常客。

A lover of chamber music, Sharon Kam regularly collaborates with colleagues as Heinrich Schiff, Lars Vogt, Christian Tetzlaff, Marie-Luise Neunecker, Antje Weithaas, Gustav Rivinius, Tabea Zimmermann and Leonidas Kavakos, as well as with the Tokyo, Artemis, Artis, Kuss, and American String Quartets. Her collaboration with pianist Itamar Golan has been acclaimed by critics and audiences alike for over a decade. Since this season she is also having a close working relationship with Martin Helmchen. Together they are performing Brahms?works for clarinet and piano.

熱衷室內樂的莎朗康,經常與音樂家同事Heinrich Schiff, Lars Vogt, Christian Tetzlaff, Marie-Luise Neunecker, Antje Weithaas, Gustav Rivinius, Tabea Zimmermann and Leonidas Kavakos, American String Quartets Tokyo, Artemis, Artis, Kuss,等室內樂團合作演出。
Sharon Kam is a dedicated performer of contemporary music and regularly performs concertos by composers such as Manfred Trojahn und Brett Dean. She has premiered Krzysztof Penderecki's Clarinet Concerto and Quartet and Peter Ruzicka's Clarinet Concerto rinnerung?

莎朗康極擅長現代音樂,受到作曲家Manfred Trojahn und Brett Dean指定為她譜曲, 她是Krzysztof Penderecki's 與Quartet and Peter Ruzicka's豎笛協奏曲世界第一位發表人。

In Summer 2003 she made her Debut at the Salzburg Festival, where she was immediately reengaged for 2005 and 2006.

On the occasion of W. A. Mozart's 250th Anniversary Sharon Kam performed a live television broadcast (in 33 countries) of the Mozart clarinet concerto from the Estates Theatre in Prague.

在莫札特逝世205週年音樂會,她曾在布拉格的主要戲劇院透過電視收看得到的33個家現場演出莫札特 A大調豎笛協奏曲。

Her CD for Edel Classics with the Leipzig Radio orchestra, for which she again received the Echo Prize nstrumentalist of the year?in 2006, includes works by Spohr, Weber, Rossini and Mendelssohn.
She received her first Echo in 1998 for the recordings of Weber concertos with Kurt Masur and the Gewandhaus Orchestra of Leipzig. In addition to a recital CD with pianist Itamar Golan and a recording of the Mozart and Krommer concertos, a recording of Krzysztof Penderecki clarinet works conducted by the composer was released in 1999. Her CD 'American Classics' with the London Symphony Orchestra, was awarded the prize of the eutsche Schallplattenkritik.? In September 2007 her CD with Sinfonia Varsovia, conducted by her husband Gregor Bl with works by Rietz, Bruch and Weber, was released by Edel Classics. A new CD ouvenirs?with Sharon Kam and Itamar Golan will be released by the same label in autumn 2008.

與德國萊比錫廣播電台管協樂團錄製的古典 CD系列,在2006年獲得樂器大師獎。 2006年她錄製了史博、韋伯、羅西尼、 孟德爾頌等大師作品。
她與Kurt Masur and the Gewandhaus Orchestra of Leipzig.樂團錄製的韋伯豎笛協奏曲,在1998年第一次獲Echo獎。

與鋼琴大師Itamar Golan共同錄製的Krzysztof Penderecki豎笛專輯在1999年發行。
與倫敦愛樂管絃樂團錄製的曾獲eutsche Schallplattenkritik獎。
於2007年與他的指揮家先生Gregor B 共同錄製萊茲、布魯赫、韋伯,由Edel Classics唱片公司發行。最近的CD於2008秋有一張同公司發行的專輯。


1.音準精確  無以倫比

2.技巧高超 神韻巧妙

3.詮釋音樂出神入化 有如天籟

4.家族傳承 應是潛移默化

5.大師調教 青出於藍
(世界豎笛花園 出了一個百年難得英才 可不慶乎!!我讚嘆妳 尊敬妳 妳的崇高有如喜馬拉雅啊!)


2009年5月12日 星期二


原載出處:2009 05 12 CNN健康版
The power of music: It's a real heart opener
(CNN) -- If you didn't catch the white coat and the stethoscope, you might take Dr. Mike Miller for a middle-aged rocker, roaming the halls of the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore.
Playing or listening to music can create a feeling of well being, which affects the vascular system.


For years, Miller, a research cardiologist, has been studying the effects of happiness -- or things that make people happy -- on our hearts. He began his research with laughter, and found watching funny movies and laughing at them could actually open up blood vessels, allowing blood to circulate more freely.


Miller thought, if laughter can do that, why not music? So, he tested the effects of music on the cardiovascular system. "Turns out music may be one of the best de-stressors -- either by playing or even listening to music," said Miller.


The setup was basically the same as with the laughter study: Using
high-tech imaging, Miller measured blood vessel size as people listened to music.

他設定了如同笑的機制: 當人們聽音樂的狀況下,運用專業的技術量測血管流暢情形。

The results did not surprise Miller. "The inner lining of the blood vessel relaxed, opened up and produced chemicals that are protective to the heart," he said.

結果不出所料,他說:"心臟血管開始放鬆及展開,而且製造一種保護心臟的化學物質" 。

But when participants listened to music they didn't particularly enjoy, Miller said, "the vessels actually began to close up." Watch Dr. Gupta explain how music helps the heart »

但是,當參與實驗的人如果聽到特別不喜歡的音樂時,心血管活絡的效應馬上終止。 看古達醫生解釋音樂如何幫助心臟>>

That's exactly what tension -- or stress -- does.


Don't Miss
· Health Minute archive
· What really makes people happy

一 、時時刻刻關照健康。

Long-term stress can wreak havoc on the cardiovascular system. Over time, it can cause blood vessels to stiffen and become rigid, constricting blood flow. As people get older, arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, becomes a problem. Constricted vessels can cause blood pressure to rise and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Stress can also suppress the immune system, contribute to infertility and impotence, speed the aging process and even rewire the brain, leaving people more vulnerable to anxiety and depression.

長期緊張或壓力,將對心臟功能一大打擊,過度操勞,將造成心肌哽塞,心管硬化等問題。嚴重的話,會造成心臟病或中風。 壓力同樣能造成免疫能力降低,減少壽命, 腦力退化, 讓人抗壓減低及意志消沉。

But music can counter the effects of stress. "It gives us an overall feeling of good, well-being -- a sense of euphoria in some cases," Miller said.


A recent study out of Stanford University found elderly patients who were diagnosed with depression gained self-esteem and saw an improvement in their mood when they were visited by a music therapist.


In fact, many hospitals across the country use music therapy to help patients heal. The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, uses music as part of its cardiovascular surgery healing program to "promote relaxation and reduce tension, stress and anxiety." Because music helps these patients relax, it decreases their pain, improves their moods and helps them to sleep better, especially during recovery.

在明里蘇達州羅徹斯特的馬友診所,以音樂運用在心臟手術中,讓患者感覺放鬆, 減低疼痛,幫助心情好轉,在恢復期患者更好入眠。

Miller has not only seen these same results in some of his patients who use music therapy, but he said he also believes music can be so relaxing that it can actually keep the body young. "We would like to believe that it may slow down the aging process," he said.

米勒不只是看到這樣病患在音樂治療有好的結果,他更相信,音樂讓人放鬆及減少老化的神奇功效,他說: "我們相信音樂可以抗衰老"。

But be careful what you listen to. Whether you like Beyoncé or the B-52s, Chopin or Johnny Cash, Miller found that listening repeatedly to the same tune diminished the music's effects on the body. "You just don't get that boost if you listen to the same song over and over again," he said. "You need to vary your songs, so when you hear the song fresh, it brings back the sense of joy and opens up the system."

但是,要注意你所聽的音樂,不管你聽甚麼, Beyoncé、B-52s 、蕭邦的啦,或是Johnny Cash,米勒發現重複聽會減少效果。他說"一直聽同一首音樂無法提升好的效果。所以,每次聽新的音樂,快樂及歡笑會再次產生,系統再次開啟"

So, the next time your boss gets on your nerves, or the kids are driving you crazy, or the car breaks down, don't start pulling out your hair. Instead, turn on the radio, grab your iPod or pop in a CD, and let the music carry you away

so ,下一次,你的老闆讓你不爽, 或是小孩搞得讓你快要發瘋,或是愛車拋錨, 讓你怒髮衝冠,記得:打開收音機,轉動你的iPod 或是聽cd, 讓音樂趕走牠們。


2009年5月4日 星期一






2009年5月3日 星期日

影音組 觀摩大會

no 15

http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=mlb40214&book=6(33)密碼:717233 ---溫馨校園點滴

http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=jane41523&b=2&f=1266753726&p=9(07) --可愛動物篇

http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=sky88910&book=2(35) ---大自然

no 02

http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=zax2110&b=2&f=1405333226&p=0 ---熱舞中…

no 11
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5U3SQGwX9ug 小魚兒生態

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5cE6wlS80s&feature=related 校園回憶之一

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dCDJm-0oiQ&feature=channel_page 校園回憶之一

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6g5UsJymgPI ----更上層樓
8號 -----漫畫粉絲
http://www.wretch.cc/video/dd2473986 ----- 粉搞笑喔
http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=windsk322&b=1&f=1511262075&p=277 ----下課時光
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGFi0hzOfuQ -----97下 園遊會
http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=a22a22000&b=5&f=1188996432&p=6 ---趣味篇

http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=hd2645043&b=1&f=1650862942&p=0 廟會與喜宴

http://www.youmaker.com/video/sv?id=22ecc41d6a314c278d371d16b9ce0e23001 學習回憶