各單元音樂聯結youtube,查:JASONHAI WU

2008年9月24日 星期三

13歲 ㄉ天才

13歲上大學--Roland Liu in Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering

"Being here makes you feel good about yourself because you're always being accepted," Liu said. "In high school I had friends, and people let me join in their groups, but I never really felt like I was part of them." At Olin, the students are like him: They excel at math and science, and they're focusing on careers in engineering
除此之外,他還主修小提琴並與擔任新英格蘭青年管絃樂團提琴手喔!他經常由母親開車接送上提琴課,因為他不能開車;不夠他說:「這沒關係,不急的,因為假使我現在馬上開車,ㄧ定亂撞,很危險! 因為我玩的是線上遊戲,汽車大追逐…」…2008.09.24 Boston.com ( music teacher adaptation from波士頓環球日報)