各單元音樂聯結youtube,查:JASONHAI WU

2015年1月20日 星期二

認識東歐的一位天才小提琴家 Patricia Kopatchinskaja(帕催希雅)

15 Questions to Patricia Kopatchinskaja


She has all the quAalities of a great one, yet you will have to discover Patricia on your own. Roaming your local record store is no good. Googling her won't help. At first, it might seem as though she has somehow slipped through the net of modernism, but nothing could be less true - One of the most intriguing players at present, she has earned a dedicated audience and tons of respect almost entirely without the help of the media and completely without the support of a big record company.

While it remains highly unlikely that her name will ever pop up on any billboards or the cover of a famous news paper, her influence can be felt far across the borders of her circle of friends: Composers are dedicating pieces to her, her live concerts are hitting people right in the heart and her Chamber Music festival has turned a tiny Swiss place (Rüttihubelbad) into a mekka of great music. Maybe it can all be attributed to her consequential stance: From her point of view, an interpretation is a highly personal process, a musical meeting between a composer, a piece and a perfomer - and definitely not an area, where she would tolerate dogmas of any kind. Interestingly enough, the external influences she does appreciate hardly ever come from fellow violinists - she mentions conductor Philippe Herreweghe, singer Cecilia Bartoli and her live-partners in crime (among them some of the finest instrumentalists around) instead. All those unafraid of taking the initiative: This is the artist for you!


她有一種獨特的氣質這只有你自己去發現(譯者同意)在你家附近的書店閒逛沒用網路搜索沒用首先你以為她好像善用現代網路科技但沒一件是真正的接近真相有趣的是在當她成功吸引龐大觀眾擁戴喜愛時全不是來自媒體或大唱片公司幫忙當她的名氣水漲船高頭條新聞不斷跨越國際版面時她的好友及合作夥伴卻渾然不察地繼續為她寫出細緻作品或室內樂並且在很多音樂季舉辦了多樣式的音樂會連瑞士小鎮都為她表演的麥加音樂而瘋狂這可能是跟她的表演肢體生動有關根據她本人所描素的:詮釋作品是一種介於演出者與作曲家之間的一種極高度轉換的程序是一種像與音樂會議的東西這絕非對局部音樂作處理或用窠臼式方式表演就滿足她認為外部自所有的合作夥伴音樂家例如她提到指揮家Philippe Herreweghe聲樂家Cecilia Bartoli還有她周遭的死黨(諸多小提琴製造家或修理師傅吧)這些人對她的提攜她都感覺極具意義與感謝這些積極主動無懼的因素成就了你我心中藝術家特質

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1)Hi! How are you? Where are you?
I am now at home with my husband and daughter Alice-Linda, and thank you we all are fine.

2)What’s on your schedule right now?
Next three concerts are a recital with Henri Sigfridsson in Belgium, Kurtag’s Kafka-Fragments with Anna-Maria Pammer in Linz and Hartmanns concerto funebre in Strasbourg, France. 

3)f you hadn’t chosen for music, what do you think you would do right now?
I often would prefer to be a farmer, making vegetables and other really useful things.

4)What or who was your biggest influence as an artist?
My chambermusic partners (Sol Gabetta, Mihaela Ursuleasa), the conductor
Philippe Herreweghe and for music in general Cecilia Bartoli

5)What’s the hardest part about being a musician and what’s the best?
Best part is flying off on stage, worst the anxiety before the performance
and living in hotels. 

6)What’s your view on the classical music scene at present? Is there a crisis?

I am lucky not to feel a crisis personally. But some old-fashioned concert
forms and some self-repetitive performers may feel a crisis.

7)Some feel there is no need to record classical music any more, that it’s all
been done before. What do you tell them?

We are really happy have recordings of Ysaye, Busch, Hubermann, Kreisler,
Casals, Arthur Schnabel, Glenn Gould etc. They needed to be recorded and we
need their records. If someone has something of similar quality to say he
should record.

8)What constitutes a good live performance in your opinion? What’s your
approach to performing on stage?

Well its really the public who has to judge. My mother always said to me,
that I should play as if it was the first and the last time in my life.

9)What does the word “interpretation” mean to you?
Interpretation is the encounter of a musician with a work of art. Its very
personal, nobody else can tell you how to do it.

10)True or false: It is the duty of an artist to put his personal emotions into
the music he plays.


11)True or false: “Music is my first love”
Don’t know

12)True or false: People need to be educated about classical music, before they
can really appreciate it.


13)You are given the position of artistic director of a concert hall. What
would be on your program for this season?

The incredibly virtuoso and charming Indian singer Kaushiki Chakrabarty and
her band, Taraf de Haidouks, the Japanese Otomo Yoshihide’s New Jazz
Ensemble, the singing Pigmies.

14)What’s your favourite classical CD at the moment?
Cecilia Bartoli, any CD.

15)Have you ever tried playing a different instrument? If yes, how good were
you at it?

Piano, - well, sufficient to play not too difficult pieces.


(音樂連結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xr9KmgDFwMc  )



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第四名:資一甲     李X 獎學金新台幣400元整
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